AI Capture Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters. Protect yourself with the world's best VPN.
This privacy policy describes what, and to which extent, information is collected, used and/or processed when you use the AI Capture application.

1. Collected Information

AI Capture does not collect any personally identifiable information or personal data.

Data that is accessed and/or generated by the app, but NOT collected (does not leave the device), includes the device model, Android ID (SSAID), operating system version, and various device hardware properties. The camera, sensor and location data that is recorded in order to fulfill the purpose of the app as a camera capture application, is purely stored on the device's filesystem, and not collected or transmitted in any way.

If enabled in the settings, the app may request access to the device's location service for a functional purpose. The Android system may use various technologies to determine your location, such as GPS, WiFi, or other network-based data. Location data is only accessed when the app is in the foreground, and only when required for the purpose of capturing or capture previewing.

2. Permission Overview

CAMERA permission: Optionally required in order to access the device's cameras for the purpose of capturing image frames. No audio is recorded, and cannot possibly be recorded, as this would require a separate permission (RECORD_AUDIO). Only required if video camera capture is enabled in the settings.

ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION / ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permissions: Optionally required in order to obtain data from the device's location service. Only required if location capture is enabled in the settings.

3. Third Party Privacy Policies

Your access to and use of the app may be subject to certain third-party privacy policies. We are not liable for any third-party's use of personal data. For instance, refer to Google's privacy policy:

4. Contact

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us via the developer email address. This is listed on the app's Google Play Store page, and can also be accessed from within the app via the contact feature provided on the main settings page.

5. Changes

It is at our discretion to change this privacy policy from time to time, and any and all changes will be reflected here with an adjusted last modified date.

Last modified: May 17, 2021